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Woodstock Council Committee Changes

With a new council set to step in this October some changes are coming to four council committees.

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock City Council has announced their plans to change four Council Committees.

City Clerk Amy Humpheries says they have a good reason for dissolving these groups.

"When we looked at it we looked at committees that haven't actually been meeting much or their mandates outlined in the bylaw. So realistically the committees haven't actually met in the last term of council."

The changes are as follows:

Youth Advisory Committee - Changes in the composition of the committee and updates in the bylaw to make this committee more flexible for the youth.

Para Transportation Appeals Committee - Collapsing and merging it with the Accessibility Advisory Committee.

Economic Development Advisory Committee - Dissolved completely.

Sister Cities Committee - Create a new bylaw to solidify.

Humpheries says council wants to make the most of their volunteers time.

"We are not tapping into their area of expertise so we are making some combinations there, so that the generous volunteers that sit of the committees are kept busy and involved in the city."

These changes come into effect with the start of the new council following October's municipal election.

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