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Woodstock Cracking Down on Parking Enforcement

If you've become accustomed to parking on the side of city streets for long periods of time, be forewarned. Included in this year's city budget, is extra funding to extend parking patrols by contract staff. City Engineer Harold DeHaan says the move comes after complaints in some residential areas of the city where some have been taking advantage of a lack of enforcement. "Because of our hours of operation, it was kind of hard to enforce [the 5-hour limit]. You have to have the same individual who chalks the tire also be the one who reads it five hours later. So what we did is increase our contract funds so that we can do some extended hours so that they can go out where the problem areas are and enforce the 5-hour limit," said DeHaan. There is a 5-hour limit on all streets, and overnight parking is banned over the course of the winter. 5-hours a week will be added to the parking patrols. DeHaan says it will be at random, including nights and weekends.

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