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Woodstock Curling Club Ready to Cheer on Team Duncan

When curlers head back to the rink next week they will notice the new decorations as the Club gets set to cheer on Team Duncan at the Scotties.

WOODSTOCK - The Scotties Tournament of Hearts kicks off today in Thunder Bay. 

Only the wild card teams play tonight. 

Team Ontario, skipped by Hollie Duncan doesn't play until Saturday. They represent the Woodstock Curling Club.

Rachelle Strybosch is the only member actually from Woodstock and this will be first time at the major tournament. She is still an active member of the club too, even participating in the Thursday night ladies league. 

The club is closed right now due to the lockdown, but they will start curling again next week when things open up. President Tim Favacho says members will be rooting on Team Duncan all week and they have decorated the club, as just one way to show support. 

"A few of us went into the centre and decorated it up in Ontario colours, posters, streamers and balloons, just to show our support for Team Duncan in Thunder Bay. We reopen on Monday and all of the curlers who enter the building will be able experience and see it for themselves." 

Favacho says everyone is excited to see a hometown player, competing on the biggest stage.

"We are behind them all the way, we will be intently watching every game and cheering them on from a distance." 

Team Duncan's first game is at 2:00 pm against Team Canada skipped by Kerri Einarson. 

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