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Woodstock Is Ready To Welcome Back The Good Ol' Hockey Game

Hockey in the Friendly City is just around the corner.

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock Minor Hockey is hosting a 'Welcome Back To Hockey Day'. 

The event will be held on September 10th in conjunction with the City who is celebrating their 20 year anniversary at the Woodstock District Community Complex. President of Woodstock Minor Hockey Michael Collins tells Heart FM they have a lot of fun events planned for the day. 

"It's kind of welcoming everyone back, getting them ready for the season, come out and try on your skates, go for a skate and it is also a join venture with the City who are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Complex. There is going to be plenty going on we will have a fire truck for the kids, a police car, we are going to have one of the Olmpias out front where the kids can see it, sit on it with one of the arena staff monitoring it and there is going to be some free ice time for the kids to come out and have a free skate." 

Collins says they are also going to have some goalie equipment on hand and kids will get a chance to see what it's like to be a goalie. Stay tuned for more details on Heart FM closer to the date.

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