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Woodstock Mayor Excited for Green Future

Mayor Trevor Birtch says the announcement from the Province on the Large Renewable Energy Procurement projects is great news for Woodstock.

WOODSTOCK - The Mayor of Woodstock is pleased with the news from the Province on Tuesday that they will be ending the Large Renewable Energy Procurement projects. 

Mayor Trevor Birtch tells Heart FM this is good news for Woodstock and Oxford County as we move forward with our smart energy plans. 

"Smart Energy Oxford has recognized over the past year that the cost of technology is continuing to decrease and the Government assistance is less and less. We saw that with each new FIT contract handed out, the amounts of government subsidy were fewer. What we are looking at right now is the potential for net metering, virtual net metering and micro grids. So this is a way where individual home owners and businesses will have the ability to lower their own hydro bill."  

The announcement also talked about the long term energy plan for the Province and we are already ahead of the game with our 2050 renewable energy goal. Birtch says he thinks this shows we are moving in the right direction. 

"One thing that was made clear in the announcement is it was on the electricity delivery side and not on the fuel source side. So bio fuels and compressed gasses and renewable natural gasses and hydrogen are still something that research money is available for." 

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