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Woodstock Police Briefs

Includes credit card theft, Stolen Van and 8 collisions in the Friendly City over the long weekend.

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock Police had a busy long weekend with 117 calls for service.

One of those calls involved the theft of a van from a business on Ingersoll Road. Police say someone broke into the business by smashing one of the windows and stole the keys to the Van. The 2015 Pro master van is worth an estimated $30,000. It did not have licence plates on it.

Police were also called after an 87 year old woman from the city was the victim of credit card fraud. Police say the woman had her card compromised to the tune of $1,400.00. Woodstock police are reminding the public to protect yourself by educating yourself. www.antifraudcentre.ca.

It was also a busy weekend for collisions. Woodstock Police responded to 8 crashes over the long weekend and three people were charged. Thankfully nobody was injured in any of the collisions.

Collisions A 45 year old female was charged with failing to yield to traffic on Norwich Ave. A 19 year old man was charged on Vansittart Avenue for turning not in safety and a 55 year old female was charged with failing to drive in marked lane on Clarke St.

Collision Prevention TIPS

* Don’t tailgate

* Wear your seatbelt

* Use turn signals

* Slow down

* Take your time

* Slow and Stop at amber lights

* Use your mirrors and check your blind spots

* Use extra caution at intersections

* Always come to a complete stop at stop signs and red lights

* Make sure you report collisions

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