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Woodstock Police Briefs

Woodstock Police recovered two stolen vehicles over the weekend and conducted several RIDE programs.

WOODSTOCK - It was another busy weekend for the Woodstock Police Service.

They managed to recover two stolen vehicles, including a GMC pickup truck and a Toyota Corolla. Additionally, several stolen licence plates were recovered over the weekend.

Police want to remind the public of ways they can best protect their vehicles and property:

- Do not leave your vehicle running unattended.

- Always lock your vehicle doors and keep all windows closed tight when the vehicle is not in use.

- Do not leave any valuables or belongings in the vehicle, especially in plain view.

- Consider investing in a vehicle alarm system if your vehicle did not come with one, a home security camera system to assist in identifying suspects, and/or motion censored outdoor lighting to deter property related criminal behaviour.

- Park your vehicle in a locked garage if you have access to one.

- Regularly check to ensure your vehicle’s licence plates are intact and do in fact belong to your vehicle. It is common practice for vehicle thieves to replace licence plates on stolen vehicles with licence plates stolen from other random vehicles.


WOODSTOCK - Woodstock Police conducted several RIDE programs over the weekend. 

Police are happy to report that no impaired drivers came through any of the programs on Friday and Saturday. One person had been drinking, however they passed the parameters set within the Approved Screening Device. 

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