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Woodstock Police Investigate Break and Enters

A rash of break and enters in the Friendly City includes a break-in to The Beer Store, downtown businesses, and several homes.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Police have responded to a rash of Break and Enters during the month of December.

In total, police have received 12 reports of break and enters in the Friendly City, 7 of those in the last week.

Constable Nikki VanLeeuwen says the public can be the best defence when it comes to these kinds of crimes. "We rely on the community. I've said this many times, that if you see something out of sorts, if people see a vehicle in an area, or a person in an area that it just seems like an odd time or if they seem out of place to please don't hesitate and please call police."

A keen eyed member of the public helped to identify two suspects in one of the investigations. With the thorough description given by the member of the public, and with the help of K9 Striker, the police were able to track down and arrest two suspects.

Constable VanLeeuwen says both the public and surveillance video can be a powerful tool for the police as they look into these incidents. "It is troubling. It's difficult because a lot of time it's difficult to find people. Most businesses in the area that were affected have video surveillance so once we investigate that we'll have some suspects and hopefully more arrests than just the two gentlemen who were arrested over the weekend."

Constable VanLeeuwen also encourages both homeowners and business owners to be vigilant when it comes to their property. "The biggest thing to remember is to have well lit areas. If you are in a residential area or even own a business make sure you have proper lighting and make sure you have an alarm system. Alarm companies are very diligent - once your alarm goes off police get there rather quickly. So if people have an alarm system that is a deterrent for thieves."

A full list of the incidents can be found below.


On the night of December 4th a suspect entered a home under construction in the Henry Street area and stole a $1 200 furnace.

Four days later on December 8th just before midnight a suspect attempted to break into a home on Princess Street. The homeowner was home at the time. The suspect knocked on the door before trying to kick the door open. That suspect is described as a white male with a slight build and dark hair. He was approximately 5'8" and wore a dark jacket and a baseball hat. The suspect fled the scene on a mountain bike.

On December 17th around 4:30 a.m. three men with hockey bags entered three sheds, though nothing was taken. The sheds at Pittock Park were damaged. The three suspects were caught on video surveillance.

Still on the morning of December 17th, sometime between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. an unknown suspected entered a garage in the Springbank Ave area. Nothing was taken.

Then on December 20th a Mastercraft riding lawn mower worth $2 100 was stolen from a shed in the Vansittart Ave area. Police are reviewing surveillance video of this incident.

Early in the morning on December 23rd police received a report of two teenage boys smashing a window in the area of Dundas street and Vansittart Ave. The descriptions of the two boys were very thorough and Woodstock K9 Striker tracked blood drops to an address on Dundas Street, leading to the arrests of an 18 year old man and a 21 year old man. Both men will appear in court in February 2nd to answer to Break and Enter and Fail to Comply charges.

On Christmas Eve police were called out to a break and enter at a downtown business. A person with a small stature wearing dark pants, a toque, and a grey sweatshirt was seen in the area. They were carrying something in their hands. The damage estimate to the front window is $300, but the suspect did not enter the store.

Also on Christmas Eve between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. suspects entered a home in the Nellis Street area. The complainant heard someone knocking at the door at 4 a.m. but didn't see anyone when she looked out her window. Later in the morning she noticed an open door and window in her home. She searched but found no one and nothing was taken.

On Christmas Day, sometime overnight, suspects broke into a home under construction in the area of Alberni Road. Several tools worth $2 500 were stolen.

Boxing Day saw unknown suspects smash the front door glass of a business on Dundas Street around 11:30 p.m. The person did not gain entry.

On December 28th police heard of an unknown suspect who pried a window open at a Bain Street residence and stole $1 500 worth of insulation.

Finally, also on December 28th around 11:30 p.m. three young men wearing dark clothing broke into the Beer Store on Beale Street and stole four cases of beer. Police did recover the beer nearby. Police are now looking through video surveillance.

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