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Woodstock Police Traffic Unit Working to Keep the Roads the Safe

It's Police week in Ontario and Heart FM is using the week to take an in depth look at the Woodstock Police Service. Today's focus is on the Traffic Unit.

WOODSTOCK - It's Police week in Ontario and Heart FM is using the week to take an in depth look at the Woodstock Police Service. 

Today we will be focusing on traffic enforcement and the work officers do to keep our roads safe. 

Constable Marco D'Annibale is the current traffic officer for the Woodstock Police Service. The Traffic unit is responsible for enforcement and education through community services. D'Annibale talks about some of the safety issues on our roads right now.

"Some of the major concerns and safety issues we are having is speeding, distracted driving and impaired driving."

He adds COVID-19 has changed the way they do things, however they will still be issuing traffic tickets.

"It's changed it a bit, just being more cognizant of interacting with the public during traffic stops. We try to maintain that physical distancing when we are interacting with the public, even during traffic stops."

D'Annibale says they understand, people don't like getting tickets. 

"People aren't happy when they do get that ticket for speeding, distracted driving or what have you, but it is proven through statistics that those are the leading causes that result in collisions and reducing that, does help reduce collisions and physical injuries." 

The theme for Policing week in Ontario this year is Leading the Way to Safer Communities, which focuses on the many ways that our police members help promote the safety and well-being of everyone in our communities. 

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