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Woodstock Youth To Compete in Taekwondo Championships

A 15 year old Woodstock native has been chosen to represent Team Canada at the Taekwondo Championships in Italy.

WOODSTOCK – ‘Overwhelmed,’ was a word to describe the way Noah Young felt when he heard the news that the he will be representing Canada at the Taekwondo World Championships in Italy this coming May.  The 15 year old Woodstock native received a black belt just two weeks before he won the Canadian Championships in Regina Saskatchewan. 

Don Edmiston, Head instructor for Friendly City Taekwondo is seeking sponsors for the grade 10 student when he heads overseas.

"We have a student council and we have a website-- all the contact information is on our website friendlycitytkd.com.  We appreciate any help we can get from anybody." Edmiston was asked if 15 is a young age to have achieved black belt status.  "I don't usually test anybody before the age 14 myself.  There are some younger ones pre-junior …they have to be pretty special to hold that black belt it is not an easy task." 

Young will be the first Woodstonian to make an appearance at these championships.   

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