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Woodstock's Funniest Dog to Appear on AFV

A dog from Woodstock will be making an appearance on this Sunday's episode of America's Funniest Home Videos.

WOODSTOCK - A Woodstonian will be making an appearance in an upcoming episode of America's Funniest Home Videos.

Colt is a four-year-old dog and he was trying to figure out how to use his new dog door this summer when he decided to kick the door in.

His owner Leslie Ferrell caught the hilarious moment on camera.

"When we were in the middle of trying to teach him how to use it our son called and asked us to film it, so that's when I started the recording and that's when he did the famous kicking of the door in."

Ferrell says lots of people told her to send the video to AFV, so she decided to upload it to their website.

"I submitted it at the beginning of the summer I think and it took a while to hear back from them. But one night my phone dinged and they told us that our video was going to be on and they were doing to let us know the date and last night they told us that it will be on Sunday."

The episode will air at 7:00 pm on Sunday December 4th and Ferrell is looking forward to see host Alfonso Ribeiro's reaction to the video.

Ferrell would also like everyone to know, that Colt finally figured out how to use the dog door after two weeks.

"He knows how to correctly use the door now and he comes in and out."

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