After years of legal battles, political battles and protests, a resolution could finally be coming on a proposed landfill in Zorra Township near Ingersoll.
After years of legal battles, political battles and protests, a resolution could finally be coming on a proposed landfill in Zorra Township near Ingersoll.
The Mayor of Ingersoll Ted Comiskey, Mayor of Zorra Marcus Ryan and South-West Oxford have worked together to put forth the following motion.
Whereas section 6.0.1 of the Environmental Assessment Act requires that “A proponent mentioned in subsection (3) shall, in accordance with subsection (5), obtain municipal support for the undertaking from each local municipality as defined in subsection (4), and; That “the proponent shall provide to the Ministry, … a copy of a municipal council resolution for each local municipality in respect of which municipal support is required under subsection (4), indicating the municipality supports the undertaking to establish a waste disposal site that is a landfilling site;”, and; Whereas Walker Environmental Group has proposed that the “Southwest Landfill” be located within 3.5km of Ingersoll;
Therefore be it resolved that the Town of Ingersoll will not provide such a resolution of support;
And that this resolution be sent to the Township of Zorra, the Township of South West Oxford, Oxford County, MPP Jeff Yurek Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and Oxford MPP Ernie Hardeman.
Ingersoll Mayor Ted Comiskey has long been a proponent against the proposed dump. He travelled to different councils across the Province, looking to drum up support to allow municipalities a say in landfill locations. Comiskey famously presented to Toronto council as well, emphatically stating his community doesn't want to house garbage from the GTA. This motion will be presented at the next council meetings for the Town of Ingersoll, SWOX and Zorra Township. It will also be brought forward to the July 14 Oxford County council meeting. If the resolution is passed, it will basically signal the end of the proposed Walker Environmental Landfill.
Bill 124, which passed last year, allows municipalities a say on where landfill should be located within a 3.5 km radius. The proposed Walker site is in Zorra Township, but within 3.5 km of both Ingersoll and SWOX.
Zorra Mayor Marcus Ryan for not supporting the landfill in a recent Facebook post.
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