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Zorra Township Mayor Finding Ways to Connect With Residents

Mayor of Zorra Townhship Marcus Ryan is setting up a ZOOM meeting for residents on Wednesday. He is hoping to start the session by answering questions from youth at 2 pm.

ZORRA TOWNSHIP - The Mayor of Zorra Township is inviting residents to connect with him using ZOOM on Wednesday April 29th.

Marcus Ryan was looking for ways to connect with constituents during this time of physical distancing. He is going to start the meeting off by answering questions from local youth between 2-2:30 pm on Wednesday. Then he will have a Q&A session for the adults starting at 2:30 pm. 

This is all happening via ZOOM. You can submit your questions in advance to mryan@zorra.ca. The meeting I.D. is 835 0411 1869 and the password is 244910. 

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