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Zorra Township to Offer Free Menstrual Products

Zorra Township Council passed a motion last week to offer free menstrual products at all Township owned facilities.

ZORRA TOWNSHIP - Zorra Township has passed a motion to give away free menstrual products at Township owned facilities.

Councillor Katie Grigg brought forward the motion last week. She says you will be able to find these products at any Township owned facility. 

"So basically any washroom that our menstruating residents enter within Zorra Township, that are run by Zorra Township will have access to menstrual products, the same way that we currently have access to toilet paper." 

Grigg says hopefully we get to a point in society where these products are in every washroom 

"We are kind of in a transitional time where this is still considered as above and beyond, an extra thing for us to provide. I think we are heading in a direction, it would be silly that this would just never be provided in our facilities, in the same way we would never expect to go to a facility and not have toilet paper or hand dryers. I also hope this reduces some of the stigma around menstruation, making our facilities a little more inclusive by providing these products." 

This follows an Oxford County motion to offer free menstrual products, along with other big cities in the region, including London.

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