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Opinion: Don Meredith Needs to Resign

So the latest scandal in the Canadian Senate has left a bad taste in my mouth. Seriously, how many scandals can one Senate have? Now we have Don Meredith who admitted to sleeping with an 18 year old teenager - a teenager he allegedly started courting when she was 16 years old.
Meridith so far has refused to resign saying he is taking a leave of absence from the Senate on the advice of his doctor. He also apologizes for his “moral failing” but refuses to resign. Amazingly his wife and children have forgiven him, and he has asked for the same forgiveness from his Senate colleagues and the young woman in question as well.
I have so many problems with all of this I don’t even know where to begin. This man used his power and his faith as an ordained minister to lure a teenager into bed with him. That is disgusting and I have serious doubts about his judgement and moral compass. This is not a man I want in the Senate.
He asks for forgiveness and says we all make mistakes. This is true, but this was not one night of drunken passion, this has been going on for years. This was a deliberate attempt to sleep with a woman more than half his age that he worked on for two years according to several media outlets.
Meredith also had the audacity to say that racism played a role in this. Meredith is black and I will fully acknowledge that racism is very prominent in today’s society. I will not make an argument to the contrary. But seriously you’re going to play the race card on this? Dude - you slept with an 18 year old teenager and are accused of sleeping with her at least once before she was 18; this has nothing to do with your race, this has everything to do with you being a creep. It’s time for Don Meredith to step up, be a man, and take responsibility for his disgusting actions and resign.
The Canadian Senate has become a complete joke: whether it’s Brazeau, Duffy, Wallin or now Meredith, the entire senate and its ethics have come into question and it might be time for a complete system overhaul.
Editorial by Chris McMillian


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