Eden's John Blott is this year's winner of the 12 Days of Christmas Lottery. Blott won the grand prize of $10,000 and a cheque was recently presented to him at South gate Centre.
WOODSTOCK - The South Gate Centre's 12 Days of Christmas Lottery is now over and a winner has been announced.
This year's winner was John Blott of Eden and he was on hand to receive the $10,000 grand prize.
Operations Manager Felise Jones says the win was actually a gift from his mother.
"When we initially called him, he didn't pick up so I kind of had to leave a voicemail and when he did he was obviously very pleasantly surprised to know that he had won $10,000. It was great."
She says this year's fundraiser was their most successful to date.
"We sold out two days before when we were supposed to finish selling so that, for us, is just a huge success."
Jones adds they print 2,000 tickets every year. The fundraiser started on December 26th.
She says she's hopeful next year's event produces a double winner, something which hasn't happened yet.
Jones says the funds will go towards the operation costs at the South Gate Centre as well as their programs for recreation and active adults.
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