Handbags for Hospice in support of VON Oxford's Sakura House has raised $445,000 in five years.
WOODSTOCK - The Bag Ladies of Oxford are penning a cheque for $165,366.23 to VON Oxford's Sakura House.
Organizers of the Handbags for Hospice Kyra McNamara and Leslie Farrell stopped Heart FM's Lainger and Liz Show Tuesday morning to announce the grand total of funds raised at the 5th annual event held Friday night in Woodstock.
As Farrell highlighted, they surpassed last year's total by $60,000 bringing their five year total to $445,000.
The "We do a little thing called Fund A Need and last year we asked for 5,000, we got 18,000 in five minutes. This year we asked for $18,000, we received $36,790 in five minutes. And we did get some big cheques but it wasn't the big cheques that made the difference...it was the 10s and 20s in those envelopes that when we're counting them made that difference."
During the evening, one of the kitchen volunteers spoke of how the fridge is failing at the hospice and needs to be replaced; she also highlighted that the residents often enjoy ice chips, as their bodies may no long allow them to eat or drink and the kitchen staff are hoping to purchase both a fridge and ice maker with the funds raised during the Fund A Need.
Fund Development Coordinator at VON Oxford, Kyra McNamara says the funds raised through Handbags for Hospice are vital in keeping Sakura House operational and allow the residents to stay free of charge in the last days of their lives.
Roughly 870 women attended the event that included a silent and live auction, premium prize table, LUG Mystery Bags and the Fund A Need.
Ladies, mark it on your calendar, the 6th Annual Handbags for Hospice is planned for Friday January 22nd, 2016.
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