The Festive R.I.D.E. season wasn't jolly for everyone as the OPP release data from the last three months.
As the OPP Wrap up their Festive R.I.D.E. program around the province 573 charges were laid and 350 license suspensions were handed out.
Here in Oxford the numbers are on par with last year according to Constable Lisa Narancsik. "This year we issued four 3, 7, or 30 day suspensions which is the warn range suspensions and actually charged 9 people with either impaired, over 80 or refusal. So the numbers are very similar to last year but they are still out there."
The campaign started on November 23rd and wrapped up on January 2nd. Narancsik says during those three months they did see some other issues coming through the R.I.D.E. programs they needed to call attention to. "The festive R.I.D.E.s obviously are about reducing the impaired driving but it also gives us an opportunity to educate people on other things so sometimes issues come along or chances and opportunities for us to educate people on things like car seats, val tags, headlights, a variety of things."
The OPP are also reminding everyone officers have been trained to detected impairment due to drugs. Narancsik says you can and will be charged if you are impaired by any substance behind the wheel.
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