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911 Is For Emergencies Only

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Norfolk OPP say police continue to receive calls regarding issues with animals and homeowners need to call an animal removal service.

NORFOLK COUNTY - Time for your daily reminder from the Norfolk OPP to only call 911 for emergencies. 

The latest mishap happened on Wednesday when someone called police about a skunk on their property and they wanted an officer to come and deal with the animal. 

Police are continuing to being inundated with calls for service after people are spotting raccoons during the day. Homeowners who have issues with raccoons, skunks or bats or any other animal on their property need to call a private animal removal service such as Gunning Wildlife Removal. On average, it takes at least two officers approximately thirty minutes to respond, investigate and clear the call. This puts enormous pressure on OPP resources when officers respond to unnecessary calls that can be prevented.

Inspector Joseph Varga says these calls are tying up valuable resources. 

"The OPP does not have the equipment to trap and house live animals or transport wild animals. Calling the police to deal with a nuisance animal ties up the phone lines at the communications centre and ties up law enforcement officers when they could be focusing on other issues in the community. A private animal removal service should be contacted instead of calling the police." 

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