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A Bacon Themed BBQ for KidsAbility

Victoria Park in Ayr will be busy place during the first ever Ayr Charity BBQ.

AYR - The Ayr Charity BBQ is fast approaching!

The event will not only feature delicious food; but it will also have bouncy castles for the kids, a vendor village and the Game Asylum Transport Truck! Those who attend will also enjoy live music and a beer tent.

Committee Member Luke Brazley says the whole village will be prepared for the big day on June 17th.

"We've got street parking bylaws that have been put in place around the entire area, we've got parking available in a number of spots and we've got a shuttle bus running through the village to bring people into the park. We're expecting a fairly significant crowd."

Although the $10 admission tickets will be available at the door, Brazley recommends buying them online beforehand.

"With the weather looking the way it is and the ticket sales the way they have been, I think there is going to be line-ups to get your ticket the day of. Anybody who wants to just walk in and start enjoying the day should get their ticket in advance."

You can e-mail ayrcharitybbq@gmail.com to reserve a ticket or you can purchase them through Ticketscene.

The bacon themed fundraiser for KidsAbility will take place in Victoria Park. You can find more information on the Ayr Charity BBQ website.

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