Take a fun look into the past at The Woodstock Museum.
WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Museum wants you to learn about the past in a fun way.
They'll be putting on Blast From The Past from January 2nd to 4th where kids will be involved in different crafts and games. They'll also learn how to design their own mini shelter.
Woodstock Museum Assistant Louise Dodd says when kids attend the camp, they enjoy meeting new people.
"It's just a great way to make new friends, get to know each other really well. Because the museum can only accommodate small groups, we usually have between 10 and 20 children in the group so they really have a lot of time to get know one another."
Dodd adds the kids will learn a variety of activities.
"I'm going to be bringing in all my old Hot Wheels and my Hot Wheels cars and we're going to be setting up a track and playing with that. We also have those classic Lincoln Logs, so the kids can build their own little village."
Children from ages 5 to 12 years old are welcome to attend. Ticket prices are $100.00 for members and $120.00 for non-members.
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