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A Party With Over 200 People in Brampton Attracts the Attention of the Premier

"If you have the money for valet parking, if you have the money to extend your fence up in the air, well guess what you have the money for a $100,000 fine and I would throw the book at these people right now."

BRAMPTON - Three massive parties in the City of Brampton over the weekend has caught the attention of the Premier.

One of the parties, the owner of the house hired security and offered valet service and it's estimated over 200 people attended. The owner also extended their fence so that you couldn't see inside.

Premier Doug Ford says the full extent of the law needs to be extended to these people.

"Throw everything and the kitchen sink at them, the $100,000 fine and everything else. Peel is in Stage 2, I was in Peel last week, met some great people and some great business owners and they are struggling. We want to get them into Stage 3, to open it up a bit more and then about 200 yahoos show up for a party. I mean c'mon guys what don't you get. It's absolutely ridiculous that someone would be reckless and careless and hold this party and not just 1 party but 3 different parties."

Ford is calling for the maximum fine for these people.

"If you have the money for valet parking, if you have the money to extend your fence up in the air, well guess what you have the money for a $100,000 fine and I would throw the book at these people right now. You have everyone in the Province bending over backwards and you have a bunch of jokers out there that think it's no problem to hold a big party. I have never seen anything like this you would think the cheese has slipped off the cracker with this people. I mean c'mon, we are all in this together. "

You can listen to Ford's comments below:

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