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A Snapshot Released for Oxford County

A year's worth of numbers has been released by DART.

OXFORD COUNTY - A snapshot into gender-based violence has been released in Oxford County.

DART released numbers from April 1st, 2023 until March 31st, 2024. DART's Community Development Coordinator, Amy Maddess speaks to where the statistics came from.

"We pulled data from a variety of agencies. So, DART is a collective group, we have hospital partners, shelter partners, and police, and they on an annual basis are able to share with us the statistics."

In the snapshot, there were a combined 1,570 calls to Oxford OPP and Woodstock Police regarding domestic-related disturbances. From the OPP there were a total of 167 calls that resulted in charges, while for the Woodstock Police 184 of the calls ended with charges. There is also information from emergency shelter numbers, the percentage of investigations by Children's Aid due to intimate partner violence, human trafficking numbers, and much more. Also in the document, DART shares the resources available to all who might be going through domestic violence.

Maddess also touches on how she thinks the supports are working.

"There is a lot that we are doing, but there is a lot that can be done. I think that one of the main things that we are kind of seeing is that some individuals are neglecting to reach out for services because of inclusivity issues."

Maddess says that when people try to contact a service, they might not see their ethnicity, race, gender identity and that could hinder them to reach out.

You can visit the DART website for more information.

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