After a long debate, Woodstock City Council voted in favour of bringing a homelessness service centre to the City.
WOODSTOCK—The topic of what to do with the Building Fast Fund money was highly debated at the City Council.
Mayor, Jerry Acchione stepped down from the Mayor's chair and gave Acting Mayor, Kate Leatherbarrow the reigns, as he was the one to put forward the motion. By a recorded vote of 4 to 3, the money will be used to partner with Oxford County to acquire a property to support the creation of a new homelessness service centre. Mayor Acchione explains what the decision means.
"With this money, this gives the seed money to the County, and says we are serious, the City of Woodstock has this problem, so let's get going on it."
The debate was intense, with questions and comments both for and against the motion. Mayor Acchione spoke very passionately about the motion, as he has been hearing about the homelessness issue for many years. He says excitement was felt when the decision was voted through.
"We used City funds to help a City issue with homelessness tonight in my opinion. I am so excited that this is moving forward."
Mayor Acchione says the next steps will be to talk with the County in order to get the wheels in motion to make sure a homelessness service centre is built. He mentions this could be a brand new build, or finding an existing building and doing the necessary renovations.
The vote was Mayor Acchione, along with Councillors Bernia Martin, Kate Leatherbarrow, and Liz Wismer-Van Meer saying yes, and Councillors Deb Tait, Mark Schadenburg, and Connie Lauder voting no.
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