It's out with the old and in with the new when it comes to Woodstock's Multi-Year Municipal Accessibility Plan.
WOODSTOCK - It's out with the old and in with the new when it comes to Woodstock's Multi-Year Municipal Accessibility Plan.
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requires all local governments to update their policies every five years.
Deputy Clerk Deputy Clerk Chris Gauthier says the 2018-2022 document is not very different than their last one, but the city does plan to tackle some of their weaknesses.
"The new plan does have a checklist of what we have met in the last in terms of legislative requirements and the biggest thing for us in the future is to meet the requirement of making our website accessible."
Gauthier says they will also update some of the public spaces in the city.
"In the plan you'll see different projects such as park redevelopments, trail developments, there's some projects around upgrading accessible washrooms and things to that matter."
The new plan will expire in 2023.
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