Oxford County has one more piece of lifesaving equipment. The CAW Hall in Woodstock is now equipped with a defibrillator thanks to the donation from the Harris family. Manager of Oxford EMS Joe Pember says having this technology available in the community will save lives. "When somebody has a cardiac arrest, for every minute that goes by their chances of survival are decreasing by about 10%. So having trained people in the community and having these defibrillators available in the community, then these people who are present in that cardiac arrest actually the capacity to now literally save that life". The donation was made in memory of John Harris who passed away from a heart attack back in 2009. Harris' wife, Brenda says the more defibrillators in the community, the better. "I think it's a marvelous piece of equipment. I wish that it had been used when my husband had his heart attack, than I would feel better knowing that everything that could be done had been done". The Heart & Stroke Foundation along with Oxford County EMS have placed over 74 AEDs in public locations across the county. CAW Local 636 President Ross Gerrie was more than thankful for the donation. "I think it's a great tool for us to have here. The hall is always busy and we never thought in our lifetime that we would have one donated to us and we were looking at other ways to purchase things but didn't have the finances to do that. This is just like a miracle come true for us".