Don't plan on smoking on the campus of Alexandra Hospital in Ingersoll in the New Year.
INGERSOLL - Alexandra Hospital will be a smoke free campus as of the start of the New Year.
Smoking will be prohibited in hospital buildings, exterior guards, parking lots and inside vehicles located on hospital property due to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.
Sandy Jansen, President and CEO of Alexandra Hospital Ingersoll, says she hopes gentle reminders will get people to stop smoking on the property, but repeat offenders will be acted on.
AHI’s smoke-free policy includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes containing burning tobacco, marijuana, or any other substance that can be smoked in any manner.
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act states that by January 1st 2018, all hospitals have to be 100 percent smoke free. Jansen says they are actually one of the few hospitals that decided to wait until the deadline.
"Many hospitals opted to implement this over the last couple of years and we are actually one of the last hospitals to implement it"
Fines for failing to comply range from $300 to $300,000.
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