Select Pharmacies in Oxford County, St. Thomas Brant County, Haldimand-Norfolk, Brantford, London-Middlesex and Perth County will start administering the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.
OXFORD COUNTY - The Province of Ontario has announced 380 additional pharmacies that will start administering the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to people 55 and older.
Oxford County is getting 3 local pharmacies with the vaccines and and Southwestern Public Health is getting 5. This article previously stated Oxford County was not included in the second round, which was false.
The following locations will now start offering the Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine:
Southwestern Public Health
Shoppers Drug Mart in Woodstock at 959 Dundas Street
Shoppers Drug Mart in St. Thomas on Edward Street
Yurek Pharmacy Limited in St. Thomas on Talbot Street
Pharmasave in Ingersoll on King Street
Ingersoll Remedy RX on King Street
Brant County
Rexall in Paris on Grand River North Street
Drugstore Pharmacy in Brantford on Fairview Drive
Sobey's Pharmacy in Paris on Grand River Street North
Shoppers Drug Mart in Simcoe
Hauser's Pharmacy in Dunnville
Wal-Mart Pharmacy in Simcoe
Costco Pharmacy in London
Shoppers Drug Mart in London on Fanshawe Park Road W
Stoney Creek Pharmacy in London
Perth County
Listowel Remedy RX in Listowel
Also a total of 19 pharmacies in Kitchener Waterloo have been added to the list along with 10 pharmacies in Wellington-Dufferin. You can book a vaccine at a local pharmacy online here.
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