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Another Round Of Debates

A full house welcomed five of the MPP candidates for a debate in Norwich.

NORWICH - The latest provincial debate was held in Norwich last night.  Five candidates discussed issues surrounding the county in front of a full house.

Robert  Van Ryswyck, candidate for the Ontario Party talked about his issue with how sex education is taught in schools.

"This is government over reach. This is the state stepping in and saying we know how to teach your kids better than you do and we're going to do it whether or not you like it and I think that's disgusting."

Candidate for the Liberal Party, James Howard talked about the reasoning for the carbon tax.

"We know that climate change is a real thing because we are living through it right now. Extreme highs and lows in temperatures and storms and floods that have impacted many families demonstrate this."

Tim Hodges, candidate for the Freedom Party says his party can balance the budget when the topic of the deficit came up.

"This is the third of a trillion dollar question here, how to balance a budget. For us the big thing is if you look at the budget, we've balanced it in opposition three times."

Dave Sikal, independent MPP candidate used his past as a corrections officer to talk about the problem of domestic abuse.

"Teaching kids when they're young to identify the markers of what's an abusive relationship. If they come from a home that's abusive they think it's normal, until they get out and they see what normal is."

Current MPP and candidate for the Progressive Conservative Party Ernie Hardeman also had words on the problem of domestic abuse.

"First of all we have to do more to make resources available for the people who are abused. To have places they can go, the woman's emergency shelter, to make sure there is space there if there is a need for that."

High school students as well as audience members came up with the topics for the debate.


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