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Anti-Landfill Rally in Queens Park

Photo Credit: Ernie Hardeman's Office

Oxford residents gathered outside of Queens Park yesterday, to show their support for MPP Ernie Hardeman's Willing Host Bill.

QUEENS PARK - There was a strong Oxford County presence in Queens Park, as people rallied to support MPP Ernie Hardeman's Willing Host Bill.

If passed it would give municipalities the power to say no to a landfill in their community.

Hardeman also brought it up in the legislature yesterday.

"We got non-answers from the Minister as to whether they would support the bill. The Minister of Municipal Affairs referred it to the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of the Environment suggested they already had the power to do that and of course she was totally wrong on that issue."

With only one week before the house recesses for the upcoming election, Hardeman doubts the bill will be passed before then but he does believe the rally was a success.

"What we were hoping to accomplish awareness not only in the public but with the members in the house so sometime in the future when the government comes back we can get it introduce it again and get it passed."

Ernie also presented multiple petitions on the matter and they will be submitted into the record.

(Photo Credit: Ernie Hardeman's Office)

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