Those interested in attending the Oxford OPP's Citizens Police Academy have until Friday February 10th to submit an application.
OXFORD COUNTY - The Oxford OPP is still accepting applications for its Citizens Police Academy.
The academy will give citizens the opportunity to learn areas of policing that the general public wouldn't normally get to experience. Participants will get to experience 10 training sessions with the Oxford OPP to learn and engage in real-life safety scenarios.
Media Relations Officer Patti Cote expressed that public safety should be everyone's top priority and that the Academy will help prepare people for unseen circumstances.
"Anyone who is interested, who has the desire to become involved with the policing world. Whether it be as a uniformed officer, a civilian, or even a volunteer with the auxiliary. They can come into our Tillsonburg detachment to fill out their application."
Friday February 10th is the deadline to apply and applications are available at the Oxford OPP detachment located at 90 Concession Street East, Tillsonburg. For more information regarding the program please contact Cote at 519-688-6540.
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