Balzer runs on a platform of three principles: safety, responsibility and growth.
BLANDFORD-BLENHEIM - A family man who's live in the township for the 30 years is trying for a third term as a councillor in Blandford-Blenheim.
Randy Balzer has served as more than just a councillor over the years, spending time as a volunteer firefighter and a trustee for the Apostolic Christian Church Mission Board of Canada (ACCMBC). Their goal is to provide humanitarian aid and volunteer labour to alleviate human misery and suffering throughout the world.
On Council, Balzer runs on a platform of three principles: safety, responsibility and growth. He says is very proud of the safety element.
"I have been having a very active role in traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures in the villages of Drumbo and Plattsville. I've recently spearheaded restoring our tiered medical response where the fire service will respond to serious medical calls in addition to ambulance. As you know, response times in rural areas can be delayed and we want to make sure our residents are served well by having qualified medical assistance."
If re-elected Balzer says his focus however, would be on affordability.
"We are in some turbulent waters here with the way the economy is going. We're seeing a lot of skyrocketing prices all around us and affordability is really going to be the number one issue for me moving forward. We need to make sure that we don't leave residents behind when we're thinking about the service we're going to provide and ultimately the tax rate that we're going to be setting. We have to keep everybody in mind and we need to be making efficient and affordable decisions."
The municipal election is scheduled for October 24.
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