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B&E at Bell Cell Phone Tower in Southwest Oxford

A thief tried to steal expensive batteries from a Bell cell phone tower in Southwest Oxford Township.

Oxford OPP are investigating after a break and enter at the Bell cell phone tower site on Curry Road in South West Oxford Township. 

Police say that someone managed to remove the lock on the fenced in compound and pried open the door to the building at the base of the tower. They then managed to disconnect 16 batteries, which are used to generate power in the event of a hydro outage. The batteries were lined up at the door, which had been left propped open. It's likely that the suspect had planned to return at a later time to steal them. 

The batteries are worth an estimated $10,000 each to replace had they been taken. The batteries were re-connected and damages have been repaired by Bell Canada and the site re-secured. 

OPP are looking to speak to anyone who may have witnessed any suspicious people or vehicles in the area of the site between 1:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Thursday August 24. 

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