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Barn Burner

Firebirds and Navy Vets trade 8 goals in the 3rd period

It was a back-and-forth barn burner in New Hamburg Friday night.  

Sean Kienapple scored a hat trick for the Firebirds in an 8-7 win over the Woodstock Navy Vets.  

The teams scored a combined 8-goals in the 3rd period.  

Matt Jaurernig and Mike Gillespie each scored twice for the Navy Vets in the loss.  Jake Schneider and Kyle Robertson also had good nights on the scoresheet picking up a goal and two assists.

The Navy Vets right back at it tonight, as they're in Paris to take on the Mounties.

It was also a close game in Tavistock last night.  The Delhi Travellers took a couple of costly penalties to start the 2nd period.  Mack Gingerich scored twice on the power-play in 32-seconds.  The final goal stood up as the game-winner in a 4-3 Braves win.

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