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BBBS of Oxford Calling for Mentors

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County has a waitlist of over 150 youth, and mentors are needed.

INGERSOLL - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County is calling out for mentors.

The Organization has been making the rounds, intending to spread the word of needing mentors, and the information about how to get involved. Volunteer Recruitment & Engagement Coordinator, Erica Hughes speaks to one part of Oxford County that is on the radar.

"We are targeting some smaller communities around Oxford County. Ingersoll is the next one on the list. So, we have 30 youth right now in Ingersoll that are on our waitlist."

In total, there are 153 youth on the wait list across Oxford County, and the need for mentors continues to grow. Hughes says if you are interested in becoming a mentor, there is a free course that is offered.

"On the last Tuesday of every month, we host a Bigs 101. That is like our introductory to mentoring with Big Brothers Big Sisters."

The next session will be next Tuesday (April 30th), and you only have to give up an hour of your time to find out what mentoring is all about, but there is no commitment afterward to become a mentor. If you would like to sign up for the session you can visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County website.

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