Big Brothers Big Sisters offers to return the grant money it has received from Norwich Township, following last month's decision regarding Progress Flags and Pride Month.
NORWICH TOWNSHIP - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County has offered to return the grant money it has received from the Township of Norwich.
In a letter to Township Council, Director Kristen Ralph said the agency was disappointed to hear about Council's decision to not declare June as Pride Month and to support a flag policy bylaw which bans Pride and Progress flags from being flown on Township property. You can read more about those decisions online here.
Ralph said BBBS Oxford is all about igniting power and potential, not extinguishing it. She also stated that the agency is willing to return the grant money it has received because its values no longer align with the Township.
You can read the full letter online here.
Council looked over the letter during this morning's council meeting. During the discussion period, Ward 1 Councillor John Scholten said he supports Big Brothers Big Sisters, but he stands by the decisions that were made at the last council meeting.
"I support Big Brothers Big Sisters. I think they do wonderful work and we have heard the presentation every year when we go through the grant process, so I support that 100 percent. How they feel about returning the grant money is up to them, but we made a decision on April 25th and the decision was based on how I spoke at that meeting and I stand by that."
Ward 4 Councillor Adrian Couwenberg stated that the Township has nothing against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
"Anybody can fly any flag they want in Norwich Township, it's just Norwich Township does not want to get involved with every individual group."
Ward 2 Councillor Alisha Stubbs suggested that the Township has further discussions with Big Brothers Big Sisters moving forward.
"I think a part of the validity of having an Executive Director share this is probably about the misalignment of values. My recommendation would be to take the expertise of the professionals, if they're saying this is how they feel it is valid, and maybe that will create further conversation about how we can support them and see what we can do better to ensure we're also supporting the youth in our community."
In the end, Council decided to request contact with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County to discuss the next steps.
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