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Be One in One Thousand

Big Brothers Big Sisters is kicking off a major campaign to find one thousand mentors by the end of December

Eleven Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations have kicked off a special recruitment drive with a big goal.

Right now there are about one thousand kids and youth across Southwestern Ontario that can benefit from a Big Brothers Big Sisters program. The problem is they need more "bigs" to sign up.

Kristen Ralph, Fundraising and Marketing Assistant with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Woodstock and District tells Heart FM they are challenging people to be 1 in 1,000.

"Be 1 in 1,000 - it's kind of a challenge to be that one person to start the process to getting us to one thousand mentors by the end of December."

Ralph says they want people to challenge their friends and spread the word.

"Word of mouth is the best way to get our challenge across. When you sign up or when you fill out that inquiry on the website then you're going to challenge your friends to fill out that inquiry as well, get involved, and help children and youth in your community."

Big Brothers Big Sisters offers a variety of different programs including their one on one programs, couples matches, and family matches. Ralph says becoming a mentor is a great way to feel like a kid again because you can participate in different youth activities and be a role model.

Click here for more information about the Be 1 in 1,000 Challenge.

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