It's a day which invites Oxford County residents and other Canadians to join the conversation about mental health.
OXFORD COUNTY - It's a day which invites Oxford County residents and other Canadians to join the conversation about mental health.
Today is Bell Let's Talk Day, a national campaign looking to break the stigma surrounding mental health.
Crisis and Outreach Worker with the Oxford County branch of Canadian Mental Health, Christine Hillis says locally they don't have any direct involvement with the campaign, "but it's always great to see different events that are working toward de-stigmatizing when it comes to mental health. I know for some of our clients it's really awesome for them because they get to see a whole wide group of people who are talking about mental health."
For each text message sent, Facebook share, cell phone and long distance call made and each tweet sent out using the #BellLetsTalk today, Bell will donate five cents to mental health initiatives though Hillis says none of the programs in the County qualify for the funding.
Hillis says it's important to remember that you never know what someone is struggling with and since it is such an invisible illness people are a little less sensitive about issues that other people are facing.
"If people do want to talk about their mental health and they want to speak to a professional about it, they can come into our building here at 522 Peel Street Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm and just ask to speak to someone or an outreach worker or they can give us a call at our crisis line which is 519-539-8342."
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