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UPDATE: Benches to Return to Downtown Woodstock

Woodstock City Council looked over the results of the online survey about the downtown benches during the February 16th meeting.

UPDATE: Woodstock City Council has decided to reinstate the benches in the downtown core.

Councillor Kate Leatherbarrow provided a recap of the meeting in a video on her Facebook page last night. She confirmed that her motion did pass with some opposition. This means the benches in Museum Square will be reinstated immediately while the benches and picnic tables in the remainder of the downtown core will be brought back in the spring.


WOODSTOCK - The downtown bench discussion will return to Woodstock City Council.

The benches and picnic tables were removed from Museum Square back in late 2021 due to safety concerns and now the current council is thinking about reinstating them.

An online survey went out last month, with 1,557 responses total. Staff will present the results to City Council tonight.

Question five asked the respondents if they feel safe in the downtown core. 1,514 people answered the question and 42 people decided to skip it. Looking at those who responded 26.95 percent said they agree, 26.22 percent said they disagree, 21 percent said they don't agree or disagree, 14.27 percent said they strongly disagree, and 11.56 percent said they strongly agree.

A total of 1,465 people responded to question eleven, which asked them if they support reinstating the benches. Just under 34 percent said they want the benches brought back immediately and 23.75 percent said they should be reinstated once all of the snow is gone. About 24.5 percent said they don't support bringing the benches back at this time, while 17.75 percent said they would support reinstating the benches with conditions.

Councillor Kate Leatherbarrow will bring forward the following motion during tonight's meeting:

WHEREAS at the regular meeting of Woodstock City Council held on October 21, 2021, Council directed staff to remove the benches and picnic tables in the downtown area until further notice;

AND WHEREAS to reinstate the benches and picnic tables ensures Woodstock's downtown core can be both accessible and inclusive to all members of our community;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Woodstock City Council direct staff to reinstate such benches in Museum Square immediately and all remaining benches and picnic tables in the downtown area in the Spring of 2023 following final snow removal activities.

Tonight's meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. and it will be livestreamed on the City of Woodstock YouTube page. You can find the full agenda online here, with the survey results presentation beginning on page 256.

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