Blandford-Blenheim residents are being encouraged to get out there and be active this month in order to help the Township win the ParticipACTION challenge.
BLANFORD-BLENHEIM - The Township of Blandford-Blenheim is encouraging residents to get moving during the month of June.
They have entered the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge. It encourages everyone to get out and be active during the month of June.
Residents are encouraged to download the ParticipACTION app today to register. You can do this on your Apple or Google Play devices and sign up under Blandford-Blenheim.
You can also email getactiveinBB@outlook.com and they will register for you.
The top 50 out of the 2,500 competing communities will enter the finalist round. One National winner will receive $100,000. In addition to the national winner, there will also be prizing for the most active community in each province and territory.
The Township has several events planned this month, where they will host outdoor fitness classes. The events are happening in the following locations:
- Saturday June 19 – 10:30 a.m. Bright Park and Plattsville Park at 1:00 p.m.
- Saturday June 26 – 10:30 a.m. Drumbo Park and Princeton Park at 1:00 p.m.
- Wednesday June 16 - 10:30 a.m. Princeton Countryside Manor
- Wednesday June 23 - 10:30 am. Drumbo Maple Grove
The fitness events will include low impact exercises and walks to get everyone moving.
An alternative fitness such as seated marches and arm movements will be offered to those with accessibility issues.
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