Eligible businesses in Brant County can apply for a one time grant of $2,000 to help implement public safety measures related to COVID-19.
BRANT COUNTY - A new Community Improvement Plan Program in Brant County will help local businesses implement public safety measures.
Mayor David Bailey says this is just one way the County can offer support during the second wave of the pandemic.
"We anticipate this will be a valuable resource to support many businesses in the community. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on businesses and this is another way we can offer support."
In direct surveying of County of Brant businesses, additional interior safety measures were identified as another avenue to protect the public and employees from COIVD-19.
Eligible expenses include but are not limited to:
- Installation of barriers to protect employees and the public;
- Permanent signage, kiosks and other markings to promote physical distancing;
- Reorientation of store aisles and displays to allow for greater distancing;
- Other permanent modifications that meet the intent of the Province's COVID-19Guidance or that of the Brant County Health Unit.
A onetime grant of up $2,000 to assist businesses that operate public enclosed spaces will be eligible. For the first $1,000.00 spent, the County will refund 100% of eligible costs excluding HST, and 50% of the remaining costs up to a maximum grant value of $2,000.00.
Applications will be accepted starting December 3, 2020, pending the appeal process.
For more information about the Public Safety Community Improvement Plan, visit www.brant.ca/CIP.
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