Brant County OPP want to make sure the public is aware of impaired driving and is safer on the roads.
BRANT COUNTY - The Brant County OPP are reporting that serious injury and fatal collisions increased by 250% on the roads in 2018.
OPP responded and investigated 11 fatal and life altering collisions last year, which directly impacted seven people from neighbouring communities and four people and their families, friends and communities.
When looking at the statistics for collisions in Brant County from 2013 to 2018:
50% of the fatal and life altering collisions occurred between April and July, 70% occurred on a weekend, 60% were between 8:00a.m and 6:00 p.m, 50% of fatal collisions were a result of distracted driving and 32% of all motor vehicle collisions (fatal, life altering and property damage) are a result of distracted driving.
Police have charged 22 people thus far with impaired driving in 2019, with 55% of them being drug-related.
Inspector and Detachment Commander for Brant County OPP, Lisa Anderson says it's everyone's responsibility to be safe while on the roads this weekend.
"Traffic safety is everyone's responsibility. Distracted driving and alcohol/drug related collisions are causing serious public safety concerns on the roads in our County. Please put the phone down and if you are going to drink, find a sober/safe ride home. Travel safely over the long weekend and do your part to keep our County roads safe."
By partnering with the County of Brant, the OPP's goal is to increase public compliance with safe driving measures and ultimately save lives.
This goal will be achieved with the following three part approach:
- Address the importance of safe driving behaviour in an effort to make the roads safer in Brant County.
- Engineering with partners at Brant County to increase safety and better traffic flow.
- Enforce where motorists should expect a higher than normal amount of officers on the roadways.
Brant County OPP have analyzed and identified the six priority areas within the County and they'll be working with Brant County to address the traffic safety concerns at the following locations:
Highway #24 between Governors Road to Lockie Road and Highway #403 to Ellis Avenue, Grand River Street North in Paris, Cockshutt Road between County Road #18 and Indian Town line Road, Highway #403 between Garden Avenue and Rest Acres Road, the intersection of Colborne Street West and Highway #24 and the intersection of Colborne Street East and County Road #18
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