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Brant OPP Host Human Trafficking Awareness Night

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We hear the term Human Trafficking often, but do we really know what it means and who is effected in our community.

BRANT COUNTY - P/C Sylvie Gagnon will be speaking at a public night offering insight into the hidden and complex crime of Human Trafficking.  The Brant OPP and other community policing groups come together quarterly throughout the year offering presentations that are of interest. 

P/C Ken Johnston says the group strives to garner interest in the community by discussing topics of interest.

"We always try to get a topic that is somewhat relavent to our community.  Human Trafficking is something that goes  
on everywhere, alot of it is Internet based now."

It's a violation of human rights and an often complex and hidden crime, one that is being played out on-line more often than not.  Human Traffickers often use control tactics, exploitation and other forms of abuse to financially gain from an already vulnerable population.

Johnston says these people that lure have destructive motives.  

"To try to connect with them, and they do use different methods to extract them and put them into a situation they don't want to be in." 

Johnston says the night ideal especially for parents of teens who use the internet often. 

The information night is being held  tonight Thursday December 14th  at 7pm at the County of Brant Fire Administration building at 61 Dundas Street East in Paris. 

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