Woodstock City Council will have plenty of capital projects to consider come budget time.
WOODSTOCK - There are no shortage of capital projects being proposed to Woodstock City Council.
On Thursday council was given a preview of the proposed $21 million capital budget. The budget includes $9.9 million worth of maintenance and upgrades to existing infrastructure.
While major projects included the expansion of the Woodstock Police Service building at $4.9 million and the phase one of the Woodall Recreation Complex at $4.1 million.
City CAO David Creery said, "when you look at the five year forecast and financing all of the projects, there is a shortfall of approximately 5 million dollars in reserves which means either projects needs to be spread out over a longer period of time, projects need to be removed from the list or we need to increase the issuance of debt accordingly to compensate..."
The first phase of the Woodall Recreation Complex would include the construction of 3 baseball diamonds, a storage building, pavilion, washrooms and playground, while the Woodstock Police building expansion would include extensive renovations to bring the building inline with community policing standards. The addition would be made to the east of the current police headquarters. Creery added the addition would solve the issue of the police service having to lease other space in the downtown core.
The proposal also included retiring the outdated transit bus from 1980 and replacing it, as well as bus stop upgrades.
During the meeting County/City councillor Sandra Talbot was appointed Acting Mayor by fellow council members.
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