It feels like there have been a lot of delays and cancellations in Oxford this year, but safety is always the chief concern.
The term 'No Bus Day' has been used an awful lot in Oxford County this winter.
In fact the buses have been cancelled or delayed 10 times since the start of November. CAO for My Big Yellow Bus Maureen Cosyn-Heath tells Heart FM a lot of factors come into play when they decide to cancel the buses.
"The decision to delay or cancel buses is a very robust process; we have many people involved in the decision in different local areas throughout our service region. In the early morning the bus companies have spotters, they are out driving the roads themselves, we are looking at forecasts, we are looking at alerts, we are looking at all of the different information that is available to make an informed decision."
Cosyn-Heath says the cancellations might seem a little high this year, however it is really not that unusual.
"It's not unusual, we have had past years where we have had as much or more and we have had years where there were far fewer cancellations, so it is difficult to predict whether it's a normal year or not a normal year - that is really dependant on mother nature."
She says ultimately the decisions are made to ensure our students, the bus drivers, and other motorists are kept safe.
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