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Calithumpian Takes Over Thamesford

This year's Calithumpian features charity BBQs, a town-wide garage sale, and fireworks to cap off the weekend.

THAMESFORD - The 98th annual Calithumpian celebration is taking over Thamesford all weekend long. 

Events start on Friday and the weekend promises fun for the whole family. Treasurer for Calithumpian Rebecca Sparks tells Heart FM how the event got its name. 

"The definition or meaning, it was always a festival or parade, a big event, after a beheading. We are leaving out the beheading part and we are skipping right to the fun stuff." 

Sparks says the fun starts Friday afternoon with a charity BBQ and a home run derby. On Saturday they are having a town wide yard sale, a road hockey, bocce ball, and volleyball tournament just to name a few of the events.

"Bring the kids, bring the family, definitely Saturday, come by the for the garage sales - park your car, hit up the BBQ or the beer tent. There is literally something for everyone." 

You can find more information on the dates and times of all the events on the Heart FM events page. 

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