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CAMI Deal Ratified by Unifor Local 88

Production workers will get a 15 percent raise and skilled trade employees will receive a 20 percent wage increase.

INGERSOLL - The deal has been ratified by Unifor Local 88.

The 1,300 unionized workers at the CAMI Assembly Plant and battery facility in Ingersoll ratified their new deal with General Motors, with 96 percent of the voting members in favour.

Unifor President Lana Payne shared the good news yesterday.

"For the first time, Unifor has successfully negotiated a two-year contract term that will align CAMI members with the union's Detroit Three negotiations to combine the future bargaining power of more than 5,600 GM members. Never again will CAMI members have to wait to play catch-up on wages and benefit improvements."

The deal includes a 15 percent raise for production workers and a 20 percent wage increase for those working in skilled trades. The union says everyone will receive an immediate 10 percent pay bump, followed by an additional two percent next September and three percent in July 2026.

The deal also includes a $10,000 productivity and quality bonus for full-time employees

Unifor CAMI Plant Chair Mike Van Boekel says it's a win for workers.

"CAMI workers have been trailblazers in the EV transition and our bargaining committee was determined to bring home the wage increases, pension improvements and income replacement measures to protect them during this evolution and position them for the future."

The new deal will expire on September 20, 2026.

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