The City of Woodstock is cancelling the 2020 Canada Day celebrations and Art in the Park for 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
WOODSTOCK - The City of Woodstock is cancelling two of it's most popular summer events for 2020 because of COVID-19.
Both the Canada Day and Art in the Park festivities will be postponed until next year in the City of Woodstock. The decision was made after careful deliberation, discussion and the advisement of City Council as well as local and provincial health authorities.
The City decided they could not host these events due to the social distancing recommendations and the ongoing uncertainty of the current global pandemic.
A decision on Woodstock’s biggest summer celebration Cowapolooza, will be made in the next couple of weeks.
You can get more information and monitor all of the Cities COVID-19 updates online here or on their Facebook and Twitter pages.
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