Between June 7th and 21st, six of the country's biggest airports will have dedicated security lines for members of the "verified-traveler program"
The federal government is looking to address delays at airports as the travel season begins.
Transport Minister Omar Alghabra says the government will launch dedicated security screening lines at six of the country's biggest airports between June 7th and 21st, as part of a tweaked "verified-traveler program."
``As membership grows over time, the new verified-traveler program will help improve the screening experience for more and more passengers while supporting the highest standards of safety and security,'' Alghabra said during a news conference earlier today.
The changes include allowing trusted travelers to wear their shoes, belts and jackets during the screening process.
As well, liquids and laptops can be left in their bags instead of putting them onto the conveyor belt.
Eligible passengers include Nexus members, RCMP officers, aviation workers and military personnel.
Last summer, a surge in post-pandemic travel demand caused many delays at terminals, and overwhelmed airlines.
In March, the Liberals released their budget, which included $1.8 million over five years for the Canadian Transport Security Authority to speed up passenger screening and beef up security.
While some experts say this will reduce lineups for all passengers, others say this is similar to the previous set-up and the government will have to target non-Nexus cardholders for it to be effective.
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