City Council is being asked to throw their support behind the 2014 Canadian Women's Amateur Golf Championship.
The 2014 Canadian women's Amateur Golf Championship is coming to Oxford County.
156 golfers from around the world are expected to compete and the City is being asked to show their support.
Host Club Tournament Chair Sharon Rice had a wish list of four items for City Council Thursday night. "Advertising and publicity through the city publications and releases. City maps, pins etcetera to be placed in the player packages that are given out at the start of the tournament. Obviously we want to make use of the City of Woodstock logo as host city and financial assistance through a community grant".
The event is scheduled for July 21-25, 2014 at Craigowan Golf and Country Club.
Since the course is technically in East Zorra Tavistock, Councillor Paul Plant is hoping the committee asks the township for financial support while other councillors were in support of Woodstock getting all the attention.
Rice says all of the economic impact of the tournament will fall on Woodstock. "It is an honour for us because women's golf, we haven't had top level championships hosted in the City of Woodstock and to have a national women's championship is really a feather in the hate".
A decision on funding is expected to come during the 2014 budget deliberations.